Content Page 9 Executives

Here are some tips to get you started
  • 1

    Read in the right environment. Choose an environment that is suitable for reading. Readers are able to absorb texts faster when they are free from distractions. Turn off the television and radio. Tune out background chatter to relax and focus your mind.

  • 2

    Re-read a book you already know. Take a book you’ve read before and read it again. Start with an easy textbook, novel or other book you’ll enjoy reading. Your familiarity with the text helps your brain process information faster since it already knows which sentences to highlight. Repetitive reading improves your understanding of a text, and conditions your brain to read other types of materials faster.

  • 3

    Practice makes perfect. Speed reading is largely an acquired ability that requires discipline. Set aside 15-20 minutes a day to sharpen your skills. U.S. President Franklin Roosevelt began by reading groups of words and then lines as a whole. Later, he could read entire paragraphs and more at a glance. Give it time and patience, and you may be able to read faster than Roosevelt did!

  • 4

    Get familiar with a text’s structure. Some speed reading techniques apply to certain texts. Browse quickly through a text before reading it. Quickly skim the table of contents, the first and last paragraph of the book. This shapes an idea of what the material is about, which boosts your comprehension when you actually read it. Getting a general idea about what you are going to read is a highly effective way to read and comprehend something fast.

  • 5

    Take rests to maximize your performance. Soundway Speed Reading relies greatly on brain and eye performance. Take a 5-minute break every 45 minutes to an hour. This will rest your eyes and refresh your mind. Better yet, set yourself a goal i.e. read 10 pages in 30 minutes, and then have a glass of water and a short break. This will remarkably improve your productivity. Try it!

Speed Reading is a must-have skill for coping and excelling in the 21st century. Attend a Soundway Speed Reading workshop and acquire this valuable skill in as little as a day. You’ll have lots of fun and leave with a significantly faster reading speed.There are few things we can learn so quickly that will have such a positive, profound and powerful impact on every aspect of our life. And it even comes with a 100% Money Back Guarantee.

Tens of Thousands of People of All Ages Have Gained Significantly from
Soundway’s Learning Events. You Will Too.

Visit for more information.

We look forward to working with you to double or more your reading speed in as little as 1 day!


Content Page 7 Executives

Take a look at the table below. It analyzes approximate reading rates for the popular business book Good To Great: Why Some Companies Make The Leap…And Others Don’t by Jim Collins based on different reader speeds.

Good To Great: Why Some Companies Make The Leap…And Others Don’t
Author: Jim Collins (300 pages)
  • Reading Speed
  • Total Reading Time
  • Time Saved
  • 180 wpm (Poor Reader)
  • 12 hours
  • 220 wpm (Average Reader)
  • 10 hours
  • 2 hours
  • 360 wpm (Above Average Reader)
  • 6 hours
  • 6 hours
  • 440 wpm (Speed Reader)
  • 5 hours
  • 7 hours
  • 880 wpm (Advanced Speed Reader)
  • 2 hours, 30 minutes
  • 10 hours, 30 minutes

From an average of half a day, you can cut down your reading time to just 2 and a half hours. Better yet, you’ll understand what you read much faster and better. For more examples, take a look at the table below. It lists approximate reading rates for popular business books. Check the “Me” row for your reading speeds.

Content Page 8 Executives

Soundway Efficient Speed Reading Workshops & Software
Richard Sutz, Speed Reading Pioneer, Inventor & Author of Speed Reading for Dummies
[brochure]Soundway develops the most effective speed reading workshops and software available anywhere. Participants and users make significant improvements in both reading and comprehension in a very short time. Tens of thousands of participants from all age groups double or more their reading speeds in as little as one day at our workshops and by using our software.

For executives and all working adults, reading is crucial to remaining competitive and relevant. In line with our tagline Read Faster, Work Smarter, Live Better, we aim to help you unlock your fullest reading potential. With more than 40 years of time-tested tools, scientifically proven techniques, research and learning designs, combined with state-of-the-art technology, Soundway’s speed reading programs are all about guiding you towards a more fulfilling professional and personal life.

The Reality Is There Is A Direct Correlation Between Reading Speed And Income

Here Are Just A Few Reasons To Attend A Soundway Efficient Speed Reading Workshop

  • 1

    Save more time than you ever thought was possible.

  • 2

    Organize your work better.

  • 3

    Maximize productivity and income.

  • 4

    Gain a healthy balance between work and leisure.

  • 5

    Gain a major competitive edge.

  • 6

    Research and prepare for presentations quickly.

  • 7

    Become well-read.

Ultimately, a successful executive needs mental and emotional health just as much as business smarts and knowledge. Taking the opportunity to spend time with your family, socializing with friends, contributing time to worthy causes, or even relaxing by yourself, does wonders for your personal wellbeing. It provides a much more ideal alternative than submerging yourself in work all day.

The journey to becoming an efficient speed reader begins with a single step. Soundway’s programs provide a comprehensive and immediately applicable blueprint to becoming an outstanding speed reader. Fast. You’ll see significant gains in a day or we’ll give you your money back. That’s how confident we are.

Content Page 4 Executives

What Your Effective Reading Speed (ERS) Tells You

While your Reading Speed is based on how fast you read the test passage, Soundway’s Effective Reading Speed takes into account how much of what you read you actually understand. It takes your Reading Speed score and factors in your Comprehension Test score. Effective reading comprehension is the ability to find meaning and usefulness in a text. It is the purpose of reading.

Some comprehension skills include summarizing, analysing, predicting, memory of details and drawing conclusions. A combination of high speed reading and a high level of comprehension makes for very productive reading. Essentially, there’s no value in reading super-fast, if you don’t understand much of what you read. Soundway’s ERS is a more accurate assessment of your actual reading speed.

How Do You Interpret Your Effective Reading Speed (ERS)?
  • Reading
  • Effective
  • Poor
  • Poor

Your ERS can either be lower than or equal to your Reading Speed. The score depends on how well you did in your Comprehension Test. Here’s how you determine what your ERS score means :


If you got all the questions in the Comprehension Test correct, your ERS score will be the same as your reading speed score. So whatever your reading speed (high or low), you do have excellent comprehension.

NEXT STEP: Improve your reading speed and maintain your excellent comprehension skills.


If you scored one level less in your ERS than your reading speed (for example your reading speed level is “Speed Reader” and your ERS is “Above Average“) then your comprehension skills are behind or lagging your reading speed, but not by that much.

NEXT STEP: You can get them on par quite easily, with the right training and practice. A good speed reading course will easily remedy this,
while significantly increasing your reading speed.


If you scored more than one level less in your ERS score than your reading speed example your reading speed level is “Speed Reader” and your ERS is “Average“) then your comprehension skills are lagging too far behind your reading speed.

NEXT STEP: You’ll need to take action to improve your ERS score. A good speed reading course will help you significantly narrow or eliminate the gap in as little as a day. And you’ll be reading much, much faster.

Content Page 3 Advanced Speed Reader Executives

Thank you for taking the time to use the Soundway Reading Speed Grader. As promised, here is your personalized Soundway Reading Speed Profile containing a detailed evaluation of your test score.


Based on your test results, your average rate of reading is 0 Words Per Minute (WPM). This score ranks you as an Advanced Speed Reader. What this score means is that you read at a rate that is significantly higher than that of most readers. You may find that:

  • You produce good quality work on time.
  • You can read a wide variety of reading material (nonfiction, fiction, newspaper articles, technical papers, literature, etc.) with ease.
  • You finish reading documents faster than your colleagues.
  • You enjoy reading.

You’re doing very well, however there is still some room to improve your reading skills so you can read and understand texts even faster.  For a successful adult and professional, reading is required for numerous purposes. Reading and understanding the many important documents on a professional’s plate can be a time-consuming and difficult task for even the most seasoned and experienced reader. Skills and techniques for speed reading are essential for you as you continue to grow as a professional. These abilities will increase your productivity both personally and professionally.

Content Page 3 Speed Reader Executives

Thank you for taking the time to use the Soundway Reading Speed Grader. As promised, here is your personalized Soundway Reading Speed Profile containing a detailed evaluation of your test score.


Based on your test results, your average rate of reading is 0 Words Per Minute (WPM) . This score ranks you as a Speed Reader. What this score means is that you read at a rate that is higher than that of most readers. You may find that:

  • You can usually produce good quality work on time.
  • You can read a wide variety of reading material (nonfiction, fiction, newspaper articles, technical papers, literature, etc.) with relative ease.
  • You finish reading documents faster than your colleagues.
  • You may sometimes struggle to finish reading very dense, technical texts.

You’re doing very well, however there is still room to improve your speed reading skills, so you can read and understand texts even faster. After completing formal schooling, most people don’t spend time learning or practicing reading techniques. However, there is more to learn that is directly relevant to you and your reading needs. As a successful adult and professional, reading is required for many purposes and your time is precious. Taking the time to improve your reading rate will increase your productivity, leading to even greater success and satisfaction. And you’ll find you have more free time for your personal endeavours.

Content Page 3 Above Average Reader Executives

Thank you for taking the time to use the Soundway Reading Speed Grader. As promised, here is your personalized Soundway Reading Speed Profile containing a detailed evaluation of your test score.


Based on your test results, your Reading Speed is 0 Words Per Minute (WPM). This score ranks you as an Above Average Reader.What this score means is that you read at a rate that is higher than that of the average reader. You may find that:

  • You can usually produce good quality work on time.
  • You can read a variety of reading material (nonfiction, fiction, newspaper articles, etc.) with ease.
  • You sometimes struggle to finish reading dense, technical texts.
  • You can fill out forms and applications in a reasonable amount of time.

You’re doing well, however there is still room to improve your speed reading skills so you can read and understand texts even faster. After completing formal schooling, most people don’t spend time learning or practicing reading techniques. However, there is more to learn that is relevant to you and your reading needs. Adult life involves a lot of reading, including emails, reports, newspapers and books. Even filling out forms and social networking involves reading. Reading is an integral part of both personal and professional daily life. Taking the time to improve your speed reading methods will increase your personal and professional productivity, leading to even greater success.

Content Page 3 Average Reader Executives

Thank you for taking the time to use the Soundway Reading Speed Grader. As promised, here is your personalized Soundway Reading Speed Profile containing a detailed evaluation of your test score.


Based on your test results, your Reading Speed is 0 Words Per Minute (WPM). This score ranks you as an Average Reader. What this score means is that your child reads at a standard rate like most readers. You may find that:

  • You can find information you need from texts.
  • You sometimes struggle to read technical or complex texts all the way through.
  • You sometimes have difficulty finishing your work on time.

The good news is that there is plenty of room to improve your speed reading skills so you can read and understand texts even faster. Right now, you may sometimes feel overwhelmed by your workload and the great amount of reading that you are expected to do at your job. After completing formal schooling, most people do not spend time learning or practicing reading techniques. Also, these are not usually taught in company sponsored training sessions. However, there are great techniques and skills that you can learn that will help you immensely. You’ll cut down on the time you spend reading. This relief from excessive time spent reading will free you up for greater work productivity and more personal time.

Content Page 3 Poor Reader Executives

Thank you for taking the time to use the Soundway Reading Speed Grader. As promised, here is your personalized Soundway Reading Speed Profile containing a detailed evaluation of your test score.


Based on your test results, your Reading Speed is 0 Words Per Minute (WPM). This score ranks you as a Poor Reader. What this score means is that you read at a rate that is below the average reading speed. You may find that:

  • You can read a variety of simple texts such as emails, blogs and fiction with some ease.
  • You have difficulty reading long texts all the way through.
  • You have little to no interest in reading.
  • You struggle to meet deadlines.

The good news is that there is plenty of room to improve your speed reading skills – fast. You’ll then be able to read and understand texts much faster. Right now, you may feel overwhelmed by the amount of reading you are expected to do at your job. Remember that after completing formal schooling, most people don’t spend time learning or practicing reading techniques. Also, this isn’t generally offered in corporate sponsored training. However, you can help yourself by taking the time to learn some great techniques and skills that will help you immensely. You’ll significantly cut down on the time you spend reading. This relief from excessive time spent reading will free you up,
improving your work productivity and allowing you more time for your personal life.