Content Page 3 Above Average Reader Executives

Thank you for taking the time to use the Soundway Reading Speed Grader. As promised, here is your personalized Soundway Reading Speed Profile containing a detailed evaluation of your test score.


Based on your test results, your Reading Speed is 0 Words Per Minute (WPM). This score ranks you as an Above Average Reader.What this score means is that you read at a rate that is higher than that of the average reader. You may find that:

  • You can usually produce good quality work on time.
  • You can read a variety of reading material (nonfiction, fiction, newspaper articles, etc.) with ease.
  • You sometimes struggle to finish reading dense, technical texts.
  • You can fill out forms and applications in a reasonable amount of time.

You’re doing well, however there is still room to improve your speed reading skills so you can read and understand texts even faster. After completing formal schooling, most people don’t spend time learning or practicing reading techniques. However, there is more to learn that is relevant to you and your reading needs. Adult life involves a lot of reading, including emails, reports, newspapers and books. Even filling out forms and social networking involves reading. Reading is an integral part of both personal and professional daily life. Taking the time to improve your speed reading methods will increase your personal and professional productivity, leading to even greater success.