Take a look at the table below. It compares approximate reading rates based on different reader speeds. You will notice that significant amounts of time can be saved by learning to read faster, and more efficiently.
Good To Great: Why Some Companies Make The Leap…And Others Don’t
Author: Jim Collins (300 pages)
Author: Jim Collins (300 pages)
- Reading Speed
- Total Reading Time
- Time Saved
- 180 wpm (Poor Reader)
- 12 hours
- –
- 220 wpm (Average Reader)
- 10 hours
- 2 hours
- 360 wpm (Above Average Reader)
- 6 hours
- 6 hours
- 440 wpm (Speed Reader)
- 5 hours
- 7 hours
- 880 wpm (Advanced Speed Reader)
- 2 hours, 30 minutes
- 10 hours, 30 minutes
From an average of half a day, your child can cut down reading time to just 2 and a half hours. Better yet, they will understand what is read much faster and better. For more examples, take a look at the table below. It lists approximate reading rates for popular business books. Check the “Me” row for your child’s reading speeds.